The terms and conditions specified here are for the use of this website only.

Here ‘you’ refers to the client. If you are a business entity or any of our outsourcing companies you fully take the responsibility of any harm caused to the client. By using our official website of or by using our products and services you agree that you have comprehended and understood by the terms and conditions. You may also visit our Privacy Policy page which protects our company from the undue advantage of the individuals and other third parties. We are also not legally liable for any external charges that the client may encounter during utilization of the equipment, the software and the charges incurred to internet providers.

Rules pertaining to the use of the website

It is hereby understood that you will abide by the following rules while using our website:

  • Never misuse, compromise, stalk or encroach the privilege of others.
  • Never distribute or circulate any material that could be encroaching or disrespectful in meaning to others.
  • Never transfer or introduce other documents or information which is protected by Intellectual Property Laws.
  • Never alter the HTML source code or hack any of our webpages.
  • Never try to run any spam contents which may influence the framework and also the other clients.

Use of Hyperlinks

Sync IT Learning on its website contains links to another website the sole purpose of which is to provide more information to the clients. Sync IT Learning is not in charge of these sites nor will it stand liable due to any harm caused to the client while using the contents on such sites.

Copyright Laws

Sync IT Learning is the sole proprietor of the copyright and trademark laws including the content, design and code on its webpages. The act of copying, altering, distributing any of the contents or information is strictly prohibited by law.

Case of Intellectual Property Violations

In the event when your work has been used without your consent, you can furnish the data which applies to copyright encroachment and we will follow up on it at the earliest.

Contact Details

Your contact details include your shipping address, e-mail id and phone number. The information should be accurate as the company will not be liable for shipping your product to the wrong hands.